"Sitting and Standing for Extended Periods? Use Compression Stockings for Optimal Leg Health"

"Sitting and Standing for Extended Periods? Use Compression Stockings for Optimal Leg Health"
“Sitting for a long time and standing too long are awful for your well being. How about we check why sitting the entire day or standing the entire day at work can cause health problem and the correct proportion of sitting to standing. We’ll additionally talk about how compression socks can help reduce torment from your activity and shield you from further well being complexities especially your leg wellness”.


Sitting is agreeable so why it is terrible for your well being? Standing and strolling around consumes calories so that can’t be a terrible thing, isn’t that so? Like most things throughout everyday life, balance is critical. Here are the potential well being complexities that face the individuals who sit or stand too long every day.


1 . It Can Shorten Your Life Research has connected sitting for extensive stretches of time with various health concerns. They incorporate heftiness and a bunch of conditions such as increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist and abnormal cholesterol levels — that make up metabolic syndrome.
2.Cardiovascular complications Long sitting hours in the workplace without proper breaks leads to high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol which can increase the risk of cardiovascular complications. Studies shows that making an effort to balancing both standing and sitting,changing the positions during the workday is associated with improved cardiovascular health.
3.Increases risk of diabetes When a person sits for long hours, the cells in the body muscles do not readily respond to the insulin produced by the pancreas which can lead to diabetes.
4.Increases risk of Obesity Apart from improper nutritional choices, the biggest enemy is a lack of physical activity and exercises which can lead to weight gain. But it’s important that you make an effort to walk,change positions and stretching consistently at your work place significantly reduce your risk of developing a variety of diseases including Cardiovascular diseases, Diabetes,Obesity,colon and breast cancer.
5.Risk of muscle degeneration Apart from strain and pain, sitting for too long can promote unhealthy postural patterns. also puts huge stress on your back muscles, neck, and spine. A sedentary lifestyle can lead to a person developing hyperlordosis, tight hips and lump glutes. Research shows that the most common muscular distortion pattern is when our shoulders are hunched forward,creating a unnatural curve in the back.
6.Risk of Low bone density & Mass When you sit too long time, the health of your bones are also affected by continuous pressure which leads to decrease bone density and bone mass, putting you at risk of osteoporosis.
7.DVT Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a clot that forms in your leg, often because you sit still for too long. It can be serious if the clot breaks free and lodges in your lung. You might notice swelling and pain, but some people have no symptoms. That’s why it’s a good idea to break up long sitting sessions.
8.Impairment of cognitive health Muscles moving trigger the arrival of state of mind upgrading hormones by providing new blood and oxygen through the cerebrum. Consequently, when an individual sits for extended periods, their feeling of anxiety increments and also there is risk of negatively impacting your cognitive development and overall cognitive health.


For teachers, professors, traffic police officers, lawers, chefs, stylist, bus conductors ,retail professionals where standing is required for a long period of time.
1.Varicose veins Varicose veins are veins that have become enlarged and twisted, especially within the legs, ankles and feet of an affected individual. When standing,gravity pulls the blood downwards to the lower part of the body. As blood is pumped through the body,the valves within the veins prevent the blood flow from backwards. After extensive, prolonged standing, these valves can become weak and eventually fail. When this happens, blood is no longer being prevented from flowing backward.
2.Chronic PAIN Prolonged periods of standing can lead to chronic pain which may lasts for three months or more. Research shows that standing all day for work can cause chronic back pain as well as musculoskeletal disorders. This can cause stress, strain, and pain while increasing your risk of injury.
3.Joint compression Standing places significant pressure on the joint of the hips, knees, ankle and feet but without any significant movement of it. This reduces the normal lubrication and cushioning of synovial joints causing them to tear. The combined effect of pressure and tearing can cause extensive amount of pain and make it difficult to move or walk.
4.Muscle fatigue Muscles kept in a constant stress position quickly become exhausted and can result in pain and swelling in the lower back, legs, ankles and feet. Research has shown that the body experiences muscle fatigue after standing for five hours; this fatigue persists for more than 30 minutes after the end of the work day.
5.Cardiovascular disorders Standing for prolonged periods can lead to certain cardiovascular disorders due to change in blood distribution in extremities.This in turn causes the blood to pool and reduces the circulating blood plasma volume leading to haemodynamic changes that impact the body.Research shows that long period of standing at work were significantly associated with atherosclerotic progression.
6.Pregnancy Standing more than six hours per day has been linked with pre-term births, low birth weights as well as high blood pressure for the mother


Sitting and standing are not inalienably terrible for your well being. It is only when you do in excess that potential health issue can arise. There are few general guidelines that are easy to follow:
  1. Work more movement into your day: Stand up and stretch every half hour or so. Touch your toes. Take a stroll around the office.
  2. If you work at a desk, try a standing desk or improvise with a high table or counter
  3. Take a break from sitting every 30 minutes, try to stand up, change positions or walk around.
  4. Stand while talking on the phone or watching television.
How about we get sensible: Are you going to have the option to consummately focus on these rules? Most likely not. Many times you may require sitting more time at your desk or you may need to remain stand at your work area for long time. In case you’re not ready to focus on these sitting and standing breaks, compression stockings for standing long time or sitting throughout the day offer improves blood circulation, prevents leg tiredness and swelling.


Compression stockings or socks provide really effective support and bring relief to tired, heavy and aching legs. The greatest degree of pressure is exerted at the ankle and is gradually reduced towards the knee and/or thigh. This assists the return flow of blood to the heart, and swollen legs can usually be avoided.
Compression stockings or socks offer various different advantages that can have a sensational distinction during your workday.
IMPROVES BLOOD CIRCULATION: Research shows that compression socks effectively increase blood flow, promoting healthy circulation offers protection against clotting and varicose veins.
PROTECTS AGAINST CLOTTING: Research shows that staying in a seated position for hours especially during travel, significantly increase your risk for blood clots(DVT) which get break off, may get stuck up in the lungs which is eventually a life threatening situation.
PROTECTS AGAINST VARICOSE VEINS: Compression stockings provides guarantee Comfort, Graduated Compression, Strength and durability,effective support and bring relief to tired, heavy and aching legs. The greatest degree of pressure is exerted at the ankle and is gradually reduced towards the knee and/or thigh and reducing the risk for developing painful varicose veins.
REDUCES SWELLING: If you’re on your feet for throughout a day, sometimes you may feel that your feet and calves swell. Fortunately, compression socks can reduce swelling in your lower body by preventing fluid buildup.This assists the return flow of blood to the heart, and swollen legs can usually be avoided.
PROMOTES LYMPHATIC SYSTEM FUNCTIONING: Research shows that compression stockings or socks can effectively promote the circulation of the lymph system, significantly lowering your risk for developing Lymphedema which is accumulation of lymph fluid due to poor blood circulation.
WHO CAN BENEFIT THE MOST FROM COMPRESSION SOCKS? Compression stockings are the best and effective way to encourage healthy blood flow and circulation in the general population. But compression stockings or socks for sitting all day or standing all day can be especially helpful for those in the following professionals.
  • Medical professionals such as nurses, doctors, and dentists
  • Frequent travelers
  • Office workers such as call center representatives, customer services, and IT professionals
  • Business travelers, especially those who go on long-haul travel for business.
  • Teachers, professors, trainers,
    Traffic police-officers, lawyers, chefs, stylist,
  • Retail staffs, warehouse professionals where standing is required for a long period of time

Wearing compression socks during work shifts can promote proper blood flow and circulation while reducing your risk of DVT, varicose veins, and much more.

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