Temple socks is an innovative product developed by HHPL. It is obvious that 75% of amputations carried out in the neuropathic diabetic foot are with secondary infection, which is potentially preventable. Surprisingly, foot care is often ignored by Diabetics and non-diabetics alike. If a diabetic injures his/her feet, infection sets in much faster than the non-diabetic person and also takes a longer time to heal.
There are incidences in which the patients have developed foot injuries after they have walked barefoot for hours in temples and on hot scalding surfaces without realising it due to lack of feeling in tier feet.
Temple socks come handy and an effective solutions for diabetic patients during such conditions. This socks has a soft insole padding for leavening the impact force on the foot and also provisioned with a rigid outer surface for protecting the foot from any external injury while walking inside and around the temple or any premises where footwear is not allowed for some reasons.
Size Measurement Chart

A protective socks for the diabetic people to use both indoor as well as outdoor purposes including the worship areas and others. Walking barefoot is quite a common sight at most of the temples in India. If we make a close look, not all the pilgrims are in the pink of health and many of them are diabetic too. Surprisingly nobody compromises in the religious ethos too.
Associated foot problems are common amongst the diabetic patients and the surprising fact is, even the most cautious diabetic who cares for many minor things tend to ignore the foot. Diabetic Foot Ulcers (DFU’s) are often triggered by walking barefoot and using inappropriate footwear by the diabetics who has associated foot problems.
Waiting or standing too long in the worship areas by such people can hurts them seriously and they are not aware of it. Even in some cases this may even progress and lead to amputation. Most of the diabetic patients, who develop foot problems may have peripheral neuropathy (lack of sensation) and they cannot feel the heat, cold or even pain.
Similarly because of the poor blood circulation, healing of ulcers may prolong and make the situation very worse. That’s why Doctor’s insist on daily self examinations for such patients as even thorn prick or any other damage can go unnoticed which may lead to an ulcer and then further.
The temple socks is made of cotton and spandex and also has minimal elastic top band and has full terry finish for good sweat absorption. The Podiafix Temple Socks is designed with a strong outer layer that protects the foot any external injury and also provisioned with a soft inner layer to enhance the comfort for the user.
The pilgrims can carry the socks separately and use it only within the temple premises and use a different footwear for their normal usage. This approach can help many diabetic patients both for preventing thier foot from any damage or even help some to avoid further damage - An amputation prevention Initiative.